C Fundamentals Page-5
1. A C program is a combination of.?
a) Statements
b) Functions
c) Variables
d) All of the above
Answer: D
Explanation: No explanation is given for this question.
2.Single Line Comment // is also called.?
a) C++ Style Comment
b) Java Style Comment
c) PHP Style Comment
d) All the above
Answer: D
Explanation: No explanation is given for this question.
3. What is an Identifier in C Language.?
a) Name of a Function or Variable
b) Name of a Macros
c) Name of Structure or Union
d) All the above.
Answer: D
Explanation: int age=25;
//here age is an Identifier
4. An Identifier may contain.?
a) Letters a-z, A-Z in Basic character set. Unicode alphabet characters other languages
b) Underscore _ symbol
c) Numbers 0 to 9. Unicode Numbers in other languages
d) All the above
Answer: D
Explanation: No explanation is given for this question.
5. What is the number of characters used to distinguish Identifier or Names of Functions and Global variables.?
a) 31
b) 32
c) 30
d) 29.
Answer: A
Explanation: First 31 characters in general. If first 31 characters are same for two different identifiers, compiler gets confused.
6. What is length of an Identifier that is unique for Non Global Variables and Non Function Names.?
a) 32
b) 63
c) 64
d) 56b
Answer: B
Explanation: if 31 is present choose. Because old compilers support up to 31 only.
Upto first 63 characters you can show differentiation in the name of say
int abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567788= 10;
int abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz1234567799 = 20;
7. C Programs are used in .?
a) Any Electronic device which works on some logic and Operating System.
b) Washing machine
c) Fridge, Microwave Ovens
d) All the above.
Answer: D
Explanation: C is very fast to execute and safe to embed along with microprocessors. Device drivers are written in C and C++.
8. Number of Keywords present in C Language are .?
a) 32
b) 33
c) 63
d) 64
Answer: A
Explanation: Only 32 Keywords originally. Compilers are individual companies can include and use extra keywords if required. Such keywords should preceed with __ ( two Underscore symbols before names).
eg. __mykeyword
9. Each statement in a C program should end with.?
a) Semicolon ;
b) Colon :
c) Period . (dot symbol)
d) None of the these.
Answer: D
Explanation: e.g:- int amount = 10;
float a,b;
10. Dennis Was Author of Famous Programming Book _________ .
a) C Programming and Techniques
b) Thinking in C
c) The C Programming Language
d) Learn C Step By Step
Answer: C
Explanation: The C Programming Language